Aendran Vaelanthart

The Unshelled Bullet

PROFILEName: Aendran Vaelanthart
Aliases: Brown-Eyes
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Half Hyur/Elezen
Height: 5 Fulm 11 Ilm (180cm)
Weight: 175 Ponze (79kg)
Eyes Color: Caramel Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Limestone
Ears: Very Subtle Elezen Ears
Complexion: Clear
Distinguishing Marks: A vertical scar down the end of his right brow.
Body Type: Muscular/Lean
Voice References:
ENG: Martin Septim (TES:IV Oblivion)
JPN: Jin Kazama (Tekken 7)
Occupation: Part-time Heavy at the Coffer & Coffin.
Orientation: Heterosexual
Martial Status: Single
Hobbies: Traveling, Spellcasting, Training, Alchemy, and Voidhunting.
Languages: Common
Residence: Thanalan
Birthplace: Unknown
Fears: Becoming a Burden, Loss of Loved ones, Fearful of his past.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Weapon Proficiencies: Gunblades/Manatriggers, Longswords/Greatswords, and Hand to Hand Combat
Special Techniques: TBD...


Aendran is an amnesiac and has small recollections of his past, but they're mostly dreams and mementos of an almost non-existent life. He has only recently discovered his actual name through feverous visions of his shattered past. Aendran's vague dream state ruminations of his clouded past consist of hearing a motherly voice chanting comfortably vague guidance. He dreams of fields of flowers, trees bathed in vibrant hues, and a keep at the center of the field... He remembers watching meteors fall through a black-clad sky only to be consumed by an ever so grossly incandescent light before everything became a blur. He has dreams of crystals layered like stars throughout the night sky of various colors surrounding one massive crystal in a light radiant rainbow hue.Unconscious, buried in sand, nary a cloth on his back and his Manatrigger "Providence" plunged into the ground; he was rescued by an unnamed U Tribe Huntress who was enthralled by his regal-looking weapon; only to realize that there was Aendran on the verge of being devoured by the Desert Sand Worms nearby. Hours later, he awoke in Southern Thanalan at the Forgotten Springs; thanks to the Tribe's rigorous efforts with restoratives, they brought him to good health.After his recovery he trained with the Huntresses for a while, rediscovering his combat prowess. He fought off the Sand Worms time and time again and even managed to mortally wound the grotesque "Ulhuadshi" when it gathered its kin and attempted to ravage the Springs. Eventually, Aendran left the Springs, but before he did they gifted him with his Leather Harness Armor he's always seen in.Aendran recently befriended a Heavy named "Eoin" at The Coffer & Coffin tavern in Central Thanalan and currently works there. Their nights are filled with escorting belligerent guests off of the premises, and "dealing" with alcoholic Qiqirns; especially a specific wrecked rat named "Guguroon Wetnose." Aendran aims to scrounge up enough Gil to pay the Tribe what they graciously gifted him, and for saving him from the brink of death.

RP HOOKSAvid Adventurer - Need some help?
Aendran generally resides in Central Thanalan, but he is usually up for any kind of adventure. He's often seen in other parts of Thanalan, like Southern, Western, or Ul'dah. He's even up for vising new lands and discovering new cultures. There's a whole world out there and Aendran wants to see every little bit.
Fragments of Memories - Could you help him rediscover his past?
Aendran has forgotten most if not all of his past due to a severe head injury and as a result, he's an amnesiac. So if you get him talking about his past; he'll be pretty reserved, but if you're lucky he'll open up a bit. He's currently trying to recollect everything piece by piece and is hoping someone could help. Could you possibly be gifted with the blessing of the Echo and see into his past? (/tell before doing so.) Aendran is in search of particular people that could help him remember any little bit of his past. Be forewarned though, upon stumbling across a memory of the past Aendran experiences great migraines from the head injury he suffered.
Umbral Aether - If only I could be so grossly incandescent...
During one of Aendran's intense visions of his past, he suffers a severe migraine which basically leaves him incapacitated. During which his Aether takes to an unnaturally bright light aspected form. If perhaps you have Aethersight you might be able to notice if you're around Aendran when he suffers through one of these ruminations of the past.
(pst if that ends up being the case beforehand)
Gunblade Connoisseur - Finally...A gunblade specialist
Aendran is a natural with a Gunblade/Manatrigger, but his weapon is in poor condition from wear and tear. He's currently looking for a Weaponsmith who is familiar with his weapon and could forge him a new one or repair his current. Maybe you're a Garlean who's taken an interest in his dexterous skill with such a weapon or perhaps you could pass some knowledge forth to him about the Gunblades from your technology? Perhaps you're an upstart Gunbreaker who's looking for someone to show you the ropes? Get Aendran talking about his weapon and he'll be a little more talkative than usual.

Player Character Relationships

Ren Kalameet - Voidhunter
Aendran had heard of Ren through a mutual friend of theirs. He has hopes that Ren might be able to help in recovering parts of his clouded past. The pair have a strong disdain for Voidsent.

Non-Playable Character Relationships

Eoin (Coffer & Coffin Heavy)

**Eoin - Coffer & Coffin Heavy
He's Aendran's first friend... that he can actively remember at least. Eoin has shown him around Thanalan and even helped him get his job at The Coffer & Coffin tavern. They spend nights escorting out belligerent guests or "dealing" with alcoholic Qiqirns.
Fun Fact: Eoin loves having the Tavern Wench tend to his "hurts."

**Roger - Employer**
As owner of the Coffer & Coffin Tavern, he employed Aendran shortly after he was in good health. Roger is thankful to have an extra Heavy on hand with all the confrontational rabble that blows in.
Fun Fact: Roger is notorious for not being able to cook anything of high quality. Everything ends up tastes like boot leather.

Out Of Character
I'm usually super busy with work turnover shifts on a month-to-month basis and whatnot. So when you do see me, and you're interested in RPing just shoot me a /tell or message me on Twitter linked below. I try to have my RP make as much sense as possible in terms of what we're given and what exists in the lore. I also tend to make TONS of 'subtle' references to outside media for character inspiration. If you happen to notice them, props to you!